



The Wonderland in Saha World of Maha | 2006-2009

The main character in The Wonder Island in the Land of Maha series is Peter Pan, the boy who will never grow up. Peter Pan symbolizes the enduring innocence and inspiration of childhood. In this series, the five variously postured Peter Pans are placed at the north, the south, the east, the west, and the center, guarding Yang Mao-lin wonderland with impeccable enthusiasm and passion. Each of them is riding on a significantly enlarged insect: a unicorn beetle, a stag beetle, a wasp, a long-horn beetle and a dragonfly, all of which kept him fascinated throughout his childhood.  By enlarging these insects, Yang Mao-lin feels as if decades of pent-up energy and excitement was finally released all at once. Captain Hook and his arch enemy, Crocodile, emerge here in the images of Apsara and Devata to give my wonderland the perfect finishing touch.